Nandan Knight

Social Media Influencer

Raised in Auckland, New Zealand, born a Hare Krishna, my mission is to make the Sankirtan Movement of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu world wide.


Nandans Values


The quicker you get a task done, the quicker you can get the next task done.


As humans we have limited amount of time on this earth that we can never replay or get back.


If you've set a goal for yourself, through the tough times keep pushing, because that's when you need to push the hardest.


Respect is not given, its earned.

Everything I have in my life was earned.

There is no luck in this game - Conor McGregor


If you're going to dream, dream as big as you can - Donald Trump

You have to genuinely believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Harinam Sankirtan

Sripad Aindra Prabhu

Param vijayate sri Krishna sankirtanam

Total world victory of Hare Krishna

Death to the enemies of Lord Vishnu

The Yuga Dharma is Harinam Sankirtan brought to us by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Reminded to me by Sripad Aindra Prabhu

Aindra Prabhu is the greatest Kirtan leader of all Kali Yuga

Mindset inspiration

Hamza Ahmed

  • Do the hard work, especially when you don't feel like it
  • Delayed Gratification
  • No weed, porn, masturbation, drugs, alcohol unhealthy eating
  • All average people will think you're crazy,
    Except for the men you are trying to be more like. 
  • The devil is testing you to see if you will give into the dark path
  • You need masculine brothers by your side
  • Women should be feminine and Men should be Masculine for stable society
  • Strive to become more like Adonis than a Jeffery
  • Become the Initiator, don't wait for things to happen, make them happen
  • Take the Red Pill, take the uncomfortable truths over comforting lies

Andrew Tate

  • A strong body is a strong mind
  • You are in ever-ending constant competition against other men who want the exact same things as you
  •  You have a duty to God and your ancestors to become monumentally successful
  • Thank God for everything hardship that has made me as a man
  • Happiness is a myth, strive for pride, respect and honour
  • You are absolutely alone in this world, and the only person who is going to make it exciting is you
  • Develop a massive ego and then justify it
  • Get pissed off that you don't have the life you want to live and that other people are living your dream right now
  • God, the people who love you, and your ancestors are always watching you
  • Make your last name mean something
  • Anything you say you are going to do, you MUST DO IT

hassan Haider

  • Do more think less
  • Do everything as quickly as possible
  • Life is Ultra Attack Mode, no defence
  • Force the pace, Dominate the hour
  • Doing something is ALWAYS better than doing nothing
  • There are 8 BILLION people in this world
  • Focus on the INPUT and the output will take care of itself
  • Dont care at all of other people opinions, because no one cares about you
  • Become more selfish, you can only control your own actions
  • You can only do 1 thing at a time, multitasking is a myth

Check out my youtube channel

Youtube is where I post vlogs and festival highlights