Nandan Knight
Social Media Influencer
Raised in Auckland, New Zealand, born a Hare Krishna, my mission is to make the Sankirtan Movement of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu world wide.
Nandans Values
The quicker you get a task done, the quicker you can get the next task done.
As humans we have limited amount of time on this earth that we can never replay or get back.
If you've set a goal for yourself, through the tough times keep pushing, because that's when you need to push the hardest.
Respect is not given, its earned.
Everything I have in my life was earned.
There is no luck in this game - Conor McGregor
If you're going to dream, dream as big as you can - Donald Trump
You have to genuinely believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
Check out my youtube channel
Youtube is where I post vlogs and festival highlights